The Pope of Rome

(Kleine Vorgeschichte: Pabst Pius der soundsovielte hat das Dogma der unbefleckten Empfängnis von Maria eingeführt, wobei der Heilige Geist Ihr "durchs Ohr einfährt" - Maria =Mary)

Pope Pius dies.He comes to heavens gate and knocks.St. Peter opens.

Peter  : Hello Sir, what can I do for you?

Pius    : I am Pope Pius from Rome, I want to get admitted!

Peter  : Rome in Ohio ?

Pius    : No Rome in Italy.

Peter  : Hmmm, Pius, hmm, sorry. (looking in his book) I don't have you in my book either.

Pius    : But I am Pope Pius from Rome! I have to get in!

Peter  : Hmm, lets see what I can do for you (thinking) We might ring Jesus, he knows a lot. (taking up the phone and dialing) *ring* Hi Junior, here is Peter, entrance gate, I have a little problem down here. A "Pope Pius" from Rome, do you know him ? No, Rome in Italy ! Well, thanks anyway, bye. (to Pius) Well, you heard it Sir, he doesn't know you either.

Pius    : But I AM the POPE, Pope Pius from Rome, and I have to get in!

Peter  : Well, lets see, hmmm, we might ring God, he really knows a lot. (smile) (taking up the phone again and dialing) *ring* Hi Boss, Peter here, I have a small problem here, ever heard of someone calling himself Pope Pius? No,no Rome in Italy ! ... Oh, I see, thanks anyway bye. (to Pius) Well, Sir, he doesn't know you either, but we have got a last chance. We might ring the Holy Ghost, he REALLY knows a lot. (taking up the phone again and dialing) *ring* Hi Smokey! Here is Peter from entrance gate, having a little problem with someone calling himself Pius, Pope Pius...

Holy Ghost : (from the receiver) PIUS?! Did you say Pius, don't let him in. He is the motherfucking bloody bastard who said such dirty things about Mary and me!


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